Rogers in the eyes of adventure capitalists
Reputation in the field of international hedge funds Jim Rogers (Jim Rogers, 69 years old) to leave the hometown of the United States moved to Singapore has been five years. During this period, the Lehman crisis and debt problems in Europe from the financial crisis in developed countries one after another. Rogers What is this observation?
Rogers will own the home was built in the 15 minutes drive from the city center, upscale residential area of the residence of the ambassadors everywhere. Since entering the investment world, Rogers has been to base camp in New York in 2007 moved to here.
"Look at 19th century England, 20th century American, 21st century is the era of China. This is obvious."
Rogers decided to moved to the big reason "for the sake of the future of two small daughter, said the father left behind the greatest wealth is to let her daughter learn Chinese. Rogers had had to consider moved to Beijing or Shanghai, but there too serious environmental pollution. In contrast, Singapore has shade surrounded by, but is very rare to use both English and Chinese multi-lingual country. Rogers believes that Singapore's "living environment, and in the center of the growing Asian.
"China has many problems, China's economic policy with Europe and the United States than is quite good."
Due to China's largest export destination, the European Union (EU) economy continues to mix fans and stock prices, the impact of the many points of view are worried about China's economy is slowing down. In this regard, Rogers said: "As an investor, never believed the politicians and officials.
Even so, Rogers policy of the Chinese government still give a higher rating that the Chinese government policy to achieve a soft landing of the real estate bubble and ample foreign exchange reserves management crisis in the corresponding capacity. Saying "blindly trying to solve the problem by a large number of additional bills to the U.S. authorities, the Chinese government is more predictability".
"Currently of most concern in Myanmar. The situation in India is fairly grim. "
Although pessimistic about the prospects for developed economies, but Rogers does not recommend buying all of the emerging market economies. Rogers had frequent field trips to the close proximity to Myanmar from Singapore. Means to invest in Myanmar is still small, but Myanmar has excellent location, nationals of the industrious and rich resources, favorable conditions for development and investment potential.
On the other hand, Rogers has a huge population like China, India Evaluation harsh. Rogers believes that India facing a current account and fiscal deficits, the economic fundamentals (economic base conditions) is not optimistic, saying "the degree of bureaucratic corruption is the world's most serious national political force is also weak before the sovereign state of the United Kingdom only casually delineation of the border, India's lack of national unity, and intact inherited a bad place ".
Rogers had a motorcycle trip around the world. He said: "let me choose a country most want to go in life, there is no doubt India, but in India it is difficult to gain through investment and business.
"The most important commodity investments. Which agriculture will be a future growth area."
Rogers from the hedge fund managers to individual investors since little reference to their asset size, but Rogers said "In my portfolio, the proportion of stocks is minimal".
"I invested in gold and silver almost all commodities, but the most hope is the rise in food". Rogers believes that the importance of agriculture in the 20th century there is excessive underestimated, while faced with the problem of insufficient investment, said an investment banker in New York was proudly driving the Mercedes-Benz cars through the streets, but the future benefits cultivators. " Rogers foreseen in the Lehman crisis, a year ago to the investment bank will close down.
"Greece has been in a state of insolvency, there are still the possibility of future forced to withdraw from the euro area. Even so, the financial situation in Europe is still better than the United States."
Greek crisis as a turning point to the current depreciation of the euro and the dollar trend continues, but Rogers and long-term trend of this trend are skeptical. The countries of the euro zone in trouble in the final analysis the euro area periphery countries, the core of Germany is still intact. "In the U.S., the federal government since Needless to say, the core states of California and Illinois have been in a state of insolvency". While countries to exit the euro area and other issues led to the temporary confusion may not be able to avoid, but in the long run, the euro against the U.S. dollar will re-strength ".
"Japan is my very favorite, but the outlook is very grim, because Japan is facing a huge debt and low birth rate problem of aging."
Although the low birth rate the aging trend in many developed countries, including Singapore, but Rogers believes that Japan play a decisive difference lies in the entirely negative attitude to attract immigrants ".
After last year's East Japan earthquake, Rogers on the Japanese stock a little overweight. But Rogers said, "Although the Japanese do not recognize the aversion to foreigners, but foreigners think that the concept of 'the Japanese aversion to foreigners' remains deeply rooted.