择要:2015年12月18日台湾HTC公司年会上,ST三维导航技术成功展示,作为HTC将来紧张战略方向VR的重要核心投资项目获得王雪鸿女士亲自保举! 图为ST三维导航终端与HTC的VIVE假造实际头盔的配合使用,三维假造实际浸入感令人惊叹!大家同贺创瑞基金再下一城!
HTC VIVE UNBOUND宏达无穷开发者峰会在北京国家会议中间盛大召开。HTC董事长兼首席实行官王雪红女士出席峰会并做开场演讲,王雪红透露表现2016年将会是 VR元年,VR也将是HTC将来10年的发展核心主力。VR在大陆的市场将会特别很是广阔,是很有发展潜力的产业,游戏体验只是它的一部分,它将会有特别很是多的行业运用。
1、2015年10月25日美国东部时间晚9点,美国国家地理电视频道正在直播创瑞基金一期所投的项目:Surgical Theater三维脑科手术导航体系!
Surgical Theater Secures $9 Million SeriesA Financing Round Led by HTC and Shanghai Creation Investment Management Co,Ltd. (SCI)
Surgical Theater
8 hours ago
CLEVELAND, OH--(Marketwired - Oct 19, 2015) - Surgical Theater, LLC announced today it had completed its $9 Million Series A round of financing. This is the largest round for Surgical Theater and was led by HTC Corporation (HTC) (TWSE 2498) and Shanghai Creation Investment Management Co, Ltd.
克利夫兰,俄亥俄州(新闻来源- 2015年10月19日)Surgical Theater, LLC公布今天他们完成了新一轮900万美元的融资。这是他们迄今最大的一轮融资,分别来自HTC和上海创瑞投资管理有限公司。
"This additional funding is a vote of confidence in Surgical Theater's vision of enhancing the way surgeons interact and utilize medical imaging, now and in the future," stated Moty Avisar, Surgical Theater CEO and Co-Founder.
“这次的募资提振了Surgical Theater技术中与大夫互动的体例及影像应用的信念和前景” Surgical Theater CEO和联合创始人Moty Avisar说道。
Surgical Theater is a leading Virtual Reality and Image Guidance software company for healthcare, and its software applications are providing a comprehensive solution that is transforming the way surgeons consult with patients, plan complex surgical procedures, and use medical imaging to navigate during surgery and post operative review with their peers.
Surgical Theater是领先的假造实际和影像导航医疗软件公司。该软件的应用提供了广泛的解决方案,改变了外科大夫与病人咨询的体例,能够做更复杂的外科手术。能实如今手术中应用医学影像和在手术后跟同事进行操作回顾。
During a typical neurosurgical consultation, medical images are used to explain the surgical procedure; now, with the Surgical Theater platform, neurosurgeons have the ability to virtually walk inside the patient's anatomy together with the patient, providing greater clarity and increased confidence. Pre-surgery planning is critical for minimally invasive and keyhole surgical techniques; the ability to perform a 'virtual exploration' to see the inside of the brain close-up through the small craniotomy opening allows surgeons to explore perspectives of the pathology and vital structures of the brain that cannot be viewed any other way, and "See What They Can't See" in normal surgical approaches.
在典型的神经外科会诊中,医学影像被用来诠释外科手术。如今基于Surgical Theater的平台,神经科大夫能够假造的跟病人一路进入他(她)的解剖体,能更清楚的阐述操作过程从而进步了手术的信念。术前的计划对于微创、小切口手术来说至关紧张。假造的能看到脑内部贴近颅骨开口的探索使外科大夫能够了解病理学中脑部紧张的构造,这事通过其他一样平常手术方法看不到的。
"Surgical Theater's Virtual Reality and Image Guidance also extends into the operating room, coupled with intra-operative navigation systems we are providing dynamic visualization capabilities in real time, allowing surgeons to perform a real-time 'fly through' of the surgical pathway, establish multiple views, rotate and interact with the navigation image. Additionally, the software suite allows HIPAA-compliant peer to peer consultation in specific cases," said Avisar.
“Surgical Theater的假造实际和影像导航也可以在手术室应用,同手术期间我们提供的动态成像导航体系配合,可以使得外科大夫能实时进行手术路径的操作,通过旋转和与导航成像的互动产生多个视图。另外,该软件体系在一些病例的点对点沟通标准吻合‘健康保险流通与责任法案’”Avisar说。
"Virtual reality will forever transform the way we experience the world around us, and HTC Vive's unique 360 room-scale solution and tracking technology is enabling innovative applications of VR which will enrich every aspect of our lives," said Cher Wang, CEO of HTC. "Our collaboration with Surgical Theater is an exciting opportunity to pioneer the medical use of VR, with a remarkable application in the highly specialized field of neurosurgery that enhances patient care could help save lives."
“假造实际将永久的改变我们体验世界的方法,HTC Vive特有的360度立体成像及探索技术使的假造实际在生活各方面的创新应用得以实现。”HTC CEO Cher Wang说道。“我们跟Surgical Theater的合作是一个很激动人的机会来开拓假造实际在医学的使用,在神经外科领域杰出的专业应用能更好的挽救病人的生命 “
"Surgical Theater's Virtual Reality based surgery guidance tools are already revolutionizing the way that neurosurgeons use medical imaging for surgery and the education of surgical residents. We are delighted to see that the HTC Vive headset, which has many consumer VR applications, can now be used to assist brain surgeons. We are very excited about the groundbreaking solutions resulting from the synergies between the two companies -- the HTC Vive is now enabling a significant leap for brain surgeons with Surgical Theater VR applications," said Avisar.
“Surgical Theater 基于外科导航工具的假造技术已经彻底改革了神经大夫使用医学影像进行手术及住院大夫的教育方法。我们很喜悦看到HTC Vive的头戴式设备已经有了许多的假造实际应用,能够更好的辅助脑部外科大夫。我们很愉快看到两家公司的协作并有了突破性的进展-HTC Vive通过Surgical Theater的假造实际应用帮助脑外科大夫有了伟大的飞跃。”Avisar说。
Shanghai Creation Investment (SCI) is an active VC fund focusing on advanced technology in medical, big data and automation. SCI works closely with Cleveland Clinic, City of Akron and a couple important funds and incubators in northern Ohio. SCI was introduced to Surgical Theater in 2014 through their partners in Cleveland Ohio. SCI deems the 3D imaging reconstruction as the future of the medical domain. SCI considers Surgical Theater as the leading force in the application of high-precision 3D imaging and is working together to introduce the technology into hospitals in Asia.
上海创瑞投资是活跃的风险投资基金,重要关注医疗高科技,大数据及主动化领域。上海创瑞同克利夫兰医院、阿克伦市及一些紧张的基金和俄亥俄州北部的孵化器有紧密的合作。上海创瑞在2014年通过克利夫兰的合作伙伴引荐关注了Surgical Theater,他们信赖3D影像重修会是医学发展领域的将来方向,Surgical Theater是高精度3D影像应用的向导力量。因此上海创瑞致力于跟Surgical Theater紧密合作,把该项技术引入亚洲的医院。
About Surgical Theater, LLC
Surgical Theater is a leader in the agile development of Medical Applications for Virtual Reality and Image Guidance.
关于Surgical Theater, LLC
Surgical Theater是假造实际和影像导航在快速发展的医学应用中的向导者。
Surgeons have used Surgical Theater technology in over 900 cranial cases nationwide to help patients with tumors and cerebrovascular disorders. Surgical Theater devices are FDA cleared and also obtained CE Mark in September this year. Recently, Surgical Theater has also entered into an agreement with the world's largest medical technology company to provide advanced 3D Virtual Reality based image guidance alongside with a traditional surgery navigation solution.
外科大夫应用Surgical Theater技术在全国进行了超过900例的头盖手术,帮助病人进行肿瘤和脑血管紊乱的治疗。Surgical Theater设备通过了美国FDA认证并在今年的9月份获得了欧洲的CE认证。最近,Surgical Theater也同世界上最大的医疗科技公司达成同等,帮助后者在传统的手术及影像导航方案的基础上提供先辈的3D假造实际应用。
To date, 3D Virtual Reality, Surgical Guidance and Navigation has been installed in leading research and teaching hospitals across the United States including; University Hospitals Case Medical Center, University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, The Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, The Mount Sinai Hospital, Mayo Clinic, NYU Langone Medical Center, and others.
For more information, contact:
Carleen Bobrowski
至今,3D假造实际,手术导航已经在美国领先的科研院所及教学医院安装。包括University Hospitals Case Medical Center, University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, The Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, The Mount Sinai Hospital, Mayo Clinic, NYU Langone Medical Center等。更多信息请查看网址
或联系Carleen Bobrowski
【项目介绍】Surgical Theatre三维脑科手术导航体系
2、公司产品成熟,已经通过FDA, CE 认证并且实现贩卖,MayoClinic, Mount Sinai, UCLA等美国闻名医院已经采用其设备,从侧面反映出其技术的先辈性。